Flight to San Francisco

An American Airlines 707 jet flies us from Tinker over the Sierra Nevadas.

Sierra Nevadas

Another view.

San Francisco Bay

Flying in to San Francisco International to change planes.

West over the Pacific

Pratt & Whitney jet engines on a United DC8 to Hawaii, then Guam, then New Guinea.

Johnston Island

Johnston Island below in the Central Pacific Ocean. June 1963

Port Moresby Airport

USAF Helicopter in support of Photomapping. Transported personnel and supplies to remote sites.


More of Port Moresby Airport where Photomapping flights originated using RB-50s (Converted B-29s)

Kaman HH-43B Helicopter

How abour a ride?

Weather Site

Airmen Henthorn (wearing mask) and Swanson at airport weather site.

Posing for pics

Airmen Swanson and Guay take time for a picture.

GMD-1Rawinsonde Tracking Unit

My favorite piece of equipment to work on. At airport site.

Dynamic duo

Me and my GMD!


Checking the weather.

Sunday Rugby

All the GIs went to the Rugby game on Sunday afternoon. Big happening in town.