West Gate

Entering Lowry from the West Gate. A busy place.

HQ Building

Unique architecture encompases the Base Headquarters at Lowry AFB.

F-84 Thunderjet

Entrance to Lowry featured this jet fighter of the Korean War.

Chapel #4 at Lowry 2

This was the typical Chapel at Lowry built at the time of the WWII barracks.

Barracks at Lowry

WWII barracks at Lowry 2. Coal fired furnaces and open bay barracks. Sept '59. I voluntered to be a furnace fireman. Best duty.

My Barracks

My 1st barracks (3rd one) for 2 weeks of 2nd phase basic training (classroom work & movies).

GI Party

Having just moved into these barracks, and being empty so long, we have to get them in shape.

A Break

Airmen enjoy horseplay and act it up for the camera. Notice the hats formed with heavy starch and #2 cans.

Pass in Review

Saturday morning parades were commom during Phase II Basic Training. DI at right looks on.

DI & Friends

Fellow airmen from my flight pose with our Drill Instructor.

Going To Town

Denver that is...... How we looked forward to the weekends to take the bus downtown or cruise the drag East Colfax Ave in Denver.

Frontier Days

Denver held its Frontier Days in '60 and set up huge displays to celebrate just below the state capitol in the Civic Center Park

It's Only Me

It's me in my PT shorts posing for animal crackers.

Motley Crew

There were many actors bunked in this active barracks.


Me doing I don't know what, maybe.... an Elvis impersonation? Am I cool?

Going to town?

Two friends and I are ready for a night in Denver. At that time we still had to wear uniforms to go off base.

Larger & Newer Dorms

These were the real nice barracks for the other armament schools. I never got to move into one though.

View from Barracks

From the second floor fire escape you could see the Rockies in the distance, looking West.

Boulder, Colorado

A view of Boulder from high above on Flagstaff Mountain.

Great View

High atop Flagstaff Mountain in my better days '59.

A Little Snow

August 31, '59 after a little overnight snow and an 85 degree day.


We're on the way to making a snowman or a big snowball.

Christmas Tree

Squadron tree outside the orderly room.

Barracks Too!

Here's Santa coming down our chimney with gifts for all those good Airmen.

Santa Himself

Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause.

To El Paso

Four days off at New Years gave us a chance to travel to El Paso, Tx and Juarez, Mexico.

Aztec Calendar

A stone replica sculpture of the Aztec calendar sits protected in El Paso.

Mission Model

A replica of a Mexican Mission sits in a park in El Paso.

Juarez Church

A busy morning in Juarez, Mexico in front of a church


Somewhere between El Paso and Albequerque. There were two cars of Airmen on this trip.

The Road Home

Mountains in the Albequerque, NM area on our return trip to Denver.

In Civvies

One of my airman friends with model plane and the first week we could wear civvies.

It's Bongo

Yes folks, it's Bongo taking in the warm rays.

Armament School

B-47 Bomb-Navigation Systems School 32 weeks, after finishing Basic Electronics School 10 weeks.

School Entrance

Modern school buildings. Lot of training in 3 shifts. I was on the "C" shift school, 6pm to 12 midnight, then we had midnight chow, then sleep till 10am.

Graduation Class

Graduated 19 April 1960. Three weeks earlier we were told the field was overmanned, so half crosstrained to Auto-Pilot School and my half into Weather Equipment School. Off to Chanute AFB, IL.